769 parcels of land

    When dealing with various government offices it may be necessary to provide proof that legal notices were published in various local newspapers.


    Pretty routine stuff. Even today in a digital culture, local newspapers contain such notices.


    Yet even today in said digital culture, newspapers are double-sided.


    Usually the opposite sides of these notices are filled with remnants of similar notices, pieces of advertising, or parts of news copy with most of the context missing.


    The following is an exception.


    Here is most of a news story announcing the Dominion Government’s plans for the 769 Parcels of Fraser River Delta Land seized during World War 2 from their “former Japanese owners.”


    The Canadian Press article is dated “June 19.”


    If anyone can locate the complete article I would be most grateful. Please feel free to contact me @rbcmexplorer.


     769 parcels of land

    A related article can be found at http://tinyurl.com/RBCMexp0004

    Bruno Lindner

    Digital Preservation

    Digital Conversion Technician

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