look and see

    A guilty pleasure of mine is to listen in on conversations in the galleries.  Nothing weird, I don’t hover.  But when I walk through the 2nd and 3rd floors, I can’t help but hear the fragments of conversations.  And I am fascinated by them.  Well, not always.  But in general yes.

    So here are a few on my most recent stroll through the Royal BC Museum…

    ‘look at the size of those things.  Wow!”

    “I was just curious…”

    “You walk too fast”

    “I love this…”

    “I was thinking it was a dinosaur or something”

    “Don’t bump your head.”  “Yeah, I know”

    “We’ll keep walking”

    “My Dad had one of those”

    “How would you like to sit in that thing?”  “No thanks!”

    Chris O'Connor


    a/Director of Community Engagement and Regional Partnerships

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