Hugh MacIntosh joined the Royal BC Museum in 2021. As collection manager of Invertebrate Zoology, his responsibilities include caring for the RBCM’s collection of ‘spineless’ critters, including sponges, jellyfish, worms, crabs, and sea stars. After completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria, Hugh travelled to Australia for his PhD, spending a decade studying and working down under. Returning home in 2017, Hugh taught courses at the University of Victoria and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre before joining the RBCM team.
Hugh’s research background is in marine ecology and taxonomy. He has a broad knowledge of invertebrate groups, but specializes in marine bivalves (clams), particularly the unusual wood-boring ‘shipworms’. Hugh also has an interest in natural history data systems and sharing occurrence records with worldwide aggregators.
PhD, James Cook University (2014)BSc, University of Victoria (2006)
Areas of Interest
Diversity of bivalves, especially unusual deep-sea and wood-boring groupsDeep-sea invertebrates
Benthic ecology
Natural history data
Science outreach and education